Congratulatory Letter from DfE - OFSTED


The Harmony Trust received a congratulatory message on its recent OFSTED inspection results from Regional Schools Commissioner, Vicky Beer in December 2022.  The letter congratulated The Harmony Trust on its “transformational improvements in securing not only better outcomes, but improved life chances for pupils within the trust.” 


Antony Hughes, CEO of The Harmony Trust said: “This achievement is a collective one?and reflective of all who design, deliver and support the application of our education - which is?everyone?in The Harmony Trust.  We are pleased to have this level of endorsement from government to help us to continue to follow our vision and values.  It also highlights how the foundation stones of ‘A Harmony Education’ - our Harmony Model Curriculum, the Harmony Phonics Framework, Read Achieve Succeed, the Harmony Pledge and our approach to children with Special Educational Needs are having a positive effect in our academies every day.” 

OFSTED Congratulations Letter.JPG

For more information on our Harmony Model Curriculum and other Harmony Trust initiatives, see our “Great Place to Learn” page here. 

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Head Office - Alderson Street, Oldham, OL9 6DY
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Chief Executive Officer - Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees - Andrew McCully
SEND Trustee - Ian Robinson
Safeguarding Trustee - Graham McGuffie