Our Development Team

Our Development Team


The role of the Harmony Trust Development Team is to support the CEO and The Board of Trustees in their ambition for
all our academies to be Great Places to Learn and Great Places to work. The progress towards this ambition is through
the delivery of the aims set out in the Strategic Plan. Great Academies are where Leaders have the capacity to focus on
enabling teachers to teach, children to learn and parents to support so that every member of the community is able to
meet their potential. The Director of Education is responsible for the support and development offer to our academies
and the co-ordination and quality assurance of the work of the development teams.


We aim to improve outcomes for all by:

• Developing and delivering quality Continuing Professional Development aligned to the aims of the strategic plan
• Facilitating collaboration between academies within the trust
• Coordinating and providing bespoke support and intervention based on the needs of individual academies

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Read our full CPD prospectus and an introduction to our Development Team strategy in the documents below.

Files to Download

Head Office - Alderson Street, Oldham, OL9 6DY
Office Hours - Monday - Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Chief Executive Officer - Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees - Andrew McCully
SEND Trustee - Ian Robinson
Safeguarding Trustee - Graham McGuffie